What to Expect

Each person’s skin reacts differently to electrolysis. You can expect your skin to be somewhat tender, red, and possibly a bit of swelling. Try applying an ice pack, this will cool down the skin, reduce redness, and lower any swelling. These symptoms usually don’t last longer than a few hours.

Most breakouts are caused by post treatment infection that is why it is very important to KEEP IT CLEAN! During electrolysis, the hair is actually removed from the follicle, leaving the follicle exposed and susceptible to infection. The first 12-24 hours after is when post treatment procedures are really important. Here are 5 simple rules to help keep your skin happy after a treatment.

Rule #1

Hands off! It’s very tempting, especially when you’re so used to playing with those hairs all the time. Touching the treated area only just transfers dirt and oil onto your skin.

Rule #2

Use a gentle antibacterial soap to cleanse the skin.

Rule #3

Disinfect the area often with a mild antiseptic/astringent (toner). It should be mild, not too strong as it can sometimes over strip the skin of its natural oils, causing your skin to produce more oil, which can lead to breakouts. Witch hazel is most ideal.

Rule #5

Avoid makeup and heavy sun screens for 48 hours. Let the skin breathe, this helps with preventing breakouts and also helps speed up the healing process. If you must wear makeup or sunscreen, first put on a thin layer of Polysporin (cream, not the ointment) or another type of antibiotic cream. Then apply your makeup or sunscreen.

Rule #4

Avoid exercising. Excessive sweat and oil clog the follicles for 24-48 hours.

Rule #5

No moisturizer the days surrounding your appointment. That means the day before, day of and the day after. The drier the skin, the less chance of it reacting.  

Other Helpful Tips

  • Antibiotic topicals such as Polysporin also help heal the skin but use the cream, the ointment is too greasy and can cause breakouts.

  • Epsom Salts are also great for calming down the skin as well as keeping it clean.

  • Taking an antihistamine prior can help with over reactive skin.